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The Fundamentals of postponing maternity and health education strategies for professionals in fertilization clinics.


To analyze what are the factors that lead women of reproductive age to postpone motherhood and what strategies can be carried out by health professionals in Fertilization Clinics.


A search was carried out on a digital platform (Virtual Health Library – VHL), using Health Descriptors (DECS) entitled; Fertility Preservation; Birth rate; Fertility Clinics; Health education.


The fertility rate, in the mid-2000s, placed Brazil below the reproduction level of its population. Among the factors that have contributed to the reduction in the fertility rate is the postponement of motherhood. Cunha, Rosa and Vasconcelos (2022) concluded in their research that women are postponing their first pregnancy and that the main reasons are women's aspirations in the labor market, a fact that, historically, is a struggle regarding wage inequalities compared to men. In addition, women who do not have offspring are more likely to survive, according to this study. Barcellos, Dantas and Féres-Carneiro (2022) also showed that conservatism, prejudices and machismo may have harmed the participants' post-separation period and possibly contributed to their resistance to establishing new relationships. It is, for the most part, in this context that patients arrive at the Fertilization Clinics. It is a fact that adherence to egg freezing treatment due to social factors is still low, inviting even more health professionals to pay attention to this public. The Ministry of Health designates as health education a systematic, continuous and permanent process that aims at training and developing the citizen's critical awareness, stimulating the search for collective solutions to the problems experienced and their "real participation" in the exercise of control Social. Individualized monitoring, including needs and anxieties, as well as qualified listening is one of the strategies that can be used. Knowledge breeds security. The explanation of the scientific evidence through the explanation of the physiological factors of ovarian aging, the natural pregnancy rates according to age and the greater chance of pregnancy with their own eggs in the future are dialogues that can be repeated as many times as the patient needs, in order to provide greater security. Projecting the future is also a barrier for many women. The fact that they do not currently have the desire to become pregnant makes the appreciation of fertility preservation even more distant for them. Dialogues that allow the patient this measurement certainly help in the process. Another point that may discourage patients from undertaking the treatment is the cost of the treatment, many view the treatment as something unattainable. The strategy of presenting available funding to patients allows for predictability in relation to their real possibilities.


The main barriers to postponing motherhood are female aspirations in the job market and difficulties in establishing new relationships. In view of this, strategies that bring a holistic view of this patient must be addressed by the Team. Some important points are: providing security regarding the treatment, passing on the availability of possibilities for carrying out the treatment and assistance in the future projection of the patient.


Fertility Preservation; Birth Rate; Health Education; Fertility Clinics




Clínica Dra. Tairane Lima - Paraíba - Brasil, UNIFACISA - Centro Universitário - Paraíba - Brasil, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - Paraíba - Brasil
